ART TODAY 01.31.18 Excavation by Robert Soffian

ART TODAY 01.31.18 Excavation by Robert Soffian

Excavation, on vellum An imagined codex full of repeated glyphs in the manner of ancient texts. As I reflect on my life as a painter, I must try to reconstruct what got me here. I think the most obvious stimulus must have been my work as a director and lighting...
ASK DEREK: CDBaby founder Derek Sivers reviews & summarizes the best career books for musicians, authors, and artists

ASK DEREK: CDBaby founder Derek Sivers reviews & summarizes the best career books for musicians, authors, and artists

Editor’s note: Derek Sivers is an awesome book reviewer. Here are some of our favorite books summarized by him that will help you achieve your goals for 2018. Derek has been a musician, producer, circus performer, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and book publisher, but his biggest fascination is the usable psychology of self-improvement for business, philosophy, and culture.

Our First Artful Year – Happy Birthday TribeLA Magazine!

Our First Artful Year – Happy Birthday TribeLA Magazine!

It was January 2017 when TribeLA Magazine launched. With hard work, determination, and immense gratitude, TribeLA Mag continues to blossom every month. We thank YOU, the artists, authors, musicians, and especially our fellow Los Angeles tribe who made our debut year their favorite go to on-line magazine.