ART TODAY 030518 A pair of Joshuas dancing against a California desert landscape by Erin Hanson

ART TODAY 030518 A pair of Joshuas dancing against a California desert landscape by Erin Hanson

Erin Hanson is a life-long painter, beginning her study of oils as a young child.  Her passion for natural beauty is seen in her work as she transforms vistas familiar and rare into stunning interpretations of bold color, playful rhythms and raw emotional impact. Her frequent forays into National Parks and other recesses of nature include backpacking expeditions, rock climbing, and photo safaris.

ART TODAY 030118 The variations of Rob Sussman’s world, exemplified in his deck of playing cards, “to mimic the heterogeneity of the Village Gate”

ART TODAY 030118 The variations of Rob Sussman’s world, exemplified in his deck of playing cards, “to mimic the heterogeneity of the Village Gate”

Clockwise from upper left: Emma Goldman, Nina Simone, Walt Whitman, card back, James Baldwin, Marcel Duchamp, Angela Davis, card back, Henry Geldzehler, Margaret Cho. The deck was inspired by famed Greenwich Village jazz and comedy club the Village Gate. Over the course of its 35 year history, the 3-story club hosted everyone from Nina Simone to Noam Chomsky, Richard Pryor to the Velvet Underground.