New Year ART REVIEW of Venice Beach Lowriders – “Can’t go wrong with some Graffiti and Lowriders” says Harold Cleworth
Energy: What fires you up?
Looking at a blank canvas and not exactly knowing what is about to appear; an exciting moment.
Energy: What fires you up?
Looking at a blank canvas and not exactly knowing what is about to appear; an exciting moment.
Energy: What fires you up? Raving about the friction between conceptual and narrative art on Facebook and the saving of our environment, even as I drive a car and pollute the world with oil painting solvents.
On my bookshelf I have all the books knick knacks and personal items that inspire me, including a small collection of vintage television sets and a growing collection of snow domes from places I’ve been and places I would like to visit one day.
Rhonda, with headress and flames: I made this piece a while ago, over the course of…a year, I think? I had taken a figure drawing workshop in which I completed the original sketch of the model pictured.
My favorite place in LA is probably Dodger Stadium. I would take visitors to see my brother’s band, DMTina and the Bumps, or to a Dodgers game, though a punk rock drag show and a three-hour baseball game are acquired tastes.
There are two main ways that I start my paintings. The most common method is improvisational. I start with mixing and playing with colors. Images begin to appear spontaneously as I paint.