Rob Sussman’s TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview

Rob Sussman’s TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview

My sons have been the center of my life for 20+ years, lighting up my existence and offering great feedback (when they can be bothered). A couple teachers at Otis and SVA, my girlfriend, my mom, lots of amazing friends. Some favorite illustrators are Drew Friedman, Chris Ware, Zoe Matthiessen, Henrik Drescher.

Musicians: Seven Chapters from (CD Baby founder) Derek Sivers new book, “The Mindset of Marketing Your Music”

Musicians: Seven Chapters from (CD Baby founder) Derek Sivers new book, “The Mindset of Marketing Your Music”

I was a struggling musician, with big ambitions but not much success, when I went to a music industry conference in Las Vegas to promote my music. I was nervously doing everything I could to make connections with the executives at all the big music companies. I would attend every panel of experts, taking notes on everyone’s name, and going up to the stage afterwards to introduce myself and get their contact info.