Tattoo Parlor by Jin Kim, a gifted alumnus of the “Art Center College of Design”

by | Mar 16, 2018 | Art

TribeLA Acrostic Interview.5 with Jin Kim

Room: Where in your home do you work? If not in your home, where do you feel most compelled to create?
I work by the window with all the lights off and curtains closed and with three different computer screens that are lit up. I like computers and moody room light since I am a digital artist.

Tools: What do you prefer to work with, physically and otherwise?
I work mostly digital nowadays and currently I work on a Mac, a PC an iPhone and an iPad pro. My favorite way to work is going back and forth between my iPhone and iMac because I can be more out of my comfort zone on an iPhone. And then­­, I finish the work on my iMac.

Jin Kim currently lives in Venice (Los Angeles), CA as she paints, photographs and goes on jobs as an art director. Her illustrations usually involve themes of female sensuality and aggression, often inspired by fashion photography. She received her BA in illustration from the Art Center College of Design.

Visit Jin’s website at
Email: [email protected]
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Earlier published works by Jin Kim:

ART TODAY 031508 Jin Kim’s Runaway Train

For Jin Kim, Key Art is just the beginning – When we asked about her favorite piece created? Jessica Jones, season 1 poster

ART TODAY 031418 INCUBUS by Jin Kim, whose favorite place in LA is “Venice Beach. Your individuality is accepted here.”

ARTTODAY 031318 Dreams by Jin Kim, interweaving her passions of painting and fashion photography

ART TODAY 031218 LOVE+WAR BY Jin Kim is Artist of the Week and her tagline is “Don’t question your art. Just let your art be what it is.”