Abstracts by William Wray
Colors 58 x 39
All works, oil on wood
Trying to make bright colors work together; a bit of revival of the broken color theory and liberal use of pencil line in the oils.
Chris Bonno Intro
Here’s a guy with an evocative painterly style, who was, at one point, an artist on the outrageously irreverent Ren & Stimpy show. In that work, I believe he goes by Bill Wray. As a painter, he is known as William Wray and is collected by many folks. I find his painting inspiring; sometimes funny, oft times poignant. In some of what I’ve seen, he mixes comic book icons with the idea of the homeless or the struggles of the street. William paints pieces so rich in color and feeling, I can’t stand it (especially his abstracted landscapes) and I get severely jealous of his gifts, and his output. What a work horse. Prolific.
When I look at pics of his work, I often find myself liking nearly everything he does and wishing many of his pieces were on my wall. Bill Prady, who commissioned the Apartment piece I did, owns some of his work. Somehow I lucked into being in a collection that has some of the best artists around. Made me proud. Grateful to experience the colors and efforts of this versatile maestro… (And his comic book work is insanely great).

“Breathe in, Breathe out”
TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview.1
Tagline: Give yourself and your work a tagline.
Superhero’s, Landscapes and Abstracts, Oh My
Rest: How do you spend your time off?
Yoga, gym, naps, art shows, bike rides. And not enough vacations.
More art by William Wray:
William Wray has lived in California most of his life and studied painting at the Art Students League in New York. Earning his living as a cartoonist who specialized in painted subjects, he spent many years coalescing an eclectic array of art styles, ultimately finding his voice in a contemporized reflection of the traditional California regional painting that focuses on humble subject matters rarely considered as fine art.
Wray blends traditional skill sets of realism and the sheer energy of abstract expressionism in an ongoing evolution to find the balance between two seemingly unrelated styles. He continually challenges himself to create a brand of realistic expressionism that he hopes to use as a bridge in the customarily circumspect contemporary art world.
For more William Wray, visit his website: http://williamwray.com