Davis MacDonald’s excerpt from novel “THE BAY” for Father’s Day. Meet the Judge!

Davis MacDonald’s excerpt from novel “THE BAY” for Father’s Day. Meet the Judge!

He’d brought his favorite toy car down to drive on their working vacation. The Jag was a convertible, racing green, 1969, vintage. His tried and true toy since he bought it from the original owner back in 1989. He loved the car. Except for the Lucas electrical system, which he overlooked, the way a proud parent overlooks a club foot….

There had been a day when he’d felt swashbuckling in the car. Younger and slimmer then. It was hard to remember back. He had only faded shadows of memories of what it’d been like. Realistically the Judge had always been too tall for the car. And now he was too old and too fat as well. The convertible top was already down, by necessity. He unsnapped the tonneau over its cockpit on the driver’s side, then knelt down, squeezing his bulk in and under the wooden steering wheel, struggling with a two piece seat belt that both went around his waist and came down over his shoulder, a new innovation back in the day.

Yet to be Titled by Creaturo, Jr.

Yet to be Titled by Creaturo, Jr.

Frankie is proud of his many awards and one in particular is 1st Place out of 1,500 artists at the New York Reform School Artfest in October, 2010. The Reform School Project is a charity dedicated to reforming schools by raising funds to improve education by providing much need needed supplies.

ART TODAY 06.14.17: Good Earth by Creaturo, Jr.

ART TODAY 06.14.17: Good Earth by Creaturo, Jr.

Creaturo has been active in many charity events, he’s designed program covers for American Diabetes Foundation, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, and Make a Wish. In late 2005, Creaturo had one-man shows at the Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Sarasota and at the Shands Teaching Hospital at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

“Money in the Eyes” exhibit by Alexander de Cadenet at FAB-Gallery in Santa Monica

“Money in the Eyes” exhibit by Alexander de Cadenet at FAB-Gallery in Santa Monica

“The Life Burger sculptures combine two opposing functions: they offer a sharp criticism of the society we live in and yet simultaneously they are luxury objects in their own right.”

Exhibited for the first time, The Life Burger will open May 4th at FAB-Gallery. It will include the Veyron Berger, The Skull Burger, The Buddha Burger and the solid silver Trump Burger, which features President Trump riding a bison, (itself a sacred American Indian symbol) and is a multi-faceted reading of the Trump phenomenon and celebrity culture in America today.

Day 17: A Downtown co-working space that helps Entrepreneurs channel their Creativity

Day 17: A Downtown co-working space that helps Entrepreneurs channel their Creativity

Co-working offices have begun popping up all over the country as more and more individuals and small teams begin to form their own firms and businesses, but most of them are geared towards corporate office spaces that are convenient for newer or smaller businesses. This is specifically where Maker City L.A. stands out. In an effort to house a more creative and artistic group of entrepreneurs, Maker City combines work and play and creates an organically collaborative environment in the process. Meet Teresa Garcia, General Manager.