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Salient Sunday: Debbie Zeitman’s encore of “Before they Go” – Linda J. Albertano in her studio, see the Photo Exhibit at Wabi-Sabi
“I call myself a multi-disciplinarian because I love everything that is creative. I studied film at UCLA. I started as a singer/songwriter. And then got into performance art.”
ART TODAY 11.11.17 California Wildlife – A nesting Sea Gull in Monterey Bay posing for Greg Tucker
Greg has been published in numerous books and calendars too, including Practical Photography, Nature's Best Photography, Digital Camera World, Popular Photography, Photographic Monthly, Nature Photographer, Wild Bird, Birds and Blooms, Shutterbug and Vanity Fair magazines.
ART TODAY 11.10.17 Ice, reflecting sky and mountains – Greg Tucker showing off his art
Hummingbirds have long held a strong photographic appeal for me and have recently become enamored by Sea Otters.
A long exposure under the Huntington Beach pier by Greg Tucker
The California Huntington Beach Pier is one of the longest public piers on the West Coast Every day brings something new to learn, somewhere else to explore. Find a hobby and you'll always have something to do. Tools: What do you prefer to work with, physically and...
ART TODAY 11.08.17 Geyser Mound, Colorado – another Greg Tucker photo
LA has such a wide variety of places to explore and things to do that it is difficult to choose a favorite. It is hard to determine a “must see” for visitors. A lot would depend upon the season...
ART TODAY 11.07.17 Light at the End of the Tunnel, a Greg Tucker photo
According to Greg Tucker, photography combines technologic knowledge with artistic interpretation: The former can be learned while the latter is probably both a natural & innate ability that can be improved with thoughtful effort and experience.
ART TODAY 11.06.17 The bee, the flower, and Greg Tucker
Greg has been published in numerous books, calendars and magazines including Practical Photography, Nature's Best Photography, Digital Camera World, Popular Photography, Photographic Monthly, Nature Photographer, Wild Bird, Birds and Blooms, Shutterbug and Vanity Fair.
ART TODAY 11.05.17 Enter the world of Nature with the elusive photographer Greg Tucker
Probably not a conscious decision, but since he doesn't particularly enjoy being IN photographs, being the one taking the photos manages to keep him out of the frame, and nature seems to follow him rather than the other way around.
Review 2017: Leo Garcia’s Acrostic Interview reveals art-&-facts about the abduction and appropriating of a culture in “My Alien Abduction”
My favorite written work is a play entitled “Earth.” It is a magical realistic piece that tells of a mythic time in the history of an original New Mexican family. I love its language, its imagery, its storytelling. My favorite visual work is an oil pastel called Benevolence.
ART TODAY 11.3.17 ‘Knight’ – See how this story ends tomorrow from Leo Garcia’s “My Alien Abduction”
While in Los Angeles, Garcia wrote, produced and directed his first film, A Rainy Day, which was distributed by Universal Television and shown in festivals nationally and internationally. He served as an artist, teacher, director and producer for numerous productions and classes at Highways Performance Space...
Everything you need to know about the Panama International Film PanaFest Saturday, 11.4.17 – South Park Center Theatre, Downtown + view clips
In its third year, this all-day event, takes place on Saturday, November 4, at the South Park Center Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles. Panafest began to create awareness of the filmmaking talents in the burgeoning Panamanian film industry.
ART TODAY 11.2.17 ‘Baby Prince’ is born out of “My Alien Abduction” by Leo Garcia, whose career was influenced by the didactic, agitprop
Garcia began his social activism at age sixteen, when his father sent him to work as an apprentice recruiter for a federal VISTA program funded by the Office of Economic Opportunity. Garcia’s job was to assist in the recruitment of high school aged children of agricultural workers from the rural communities of Colorado and to orient them to the real possibilities of achieving higher education.