The 8th annual Taste of Italy…

by Sep 9, 2016FWS, Lifestyles

Staff Writer Carlyn Barker

Photo of Carlyn Barker by Jiaqi Yu

Staff writer Carlyn Barker recently did a story on The Italian American Museum of Los Angeles. The museum documents the history and continuing contributions of Italian Americans and Italians to Southern California and the nation. It features interactive exhibits and educational programming and also provides visitors of all ages and origins a meaningful understanding of the complex, multi-cultural fabric of the United States.

On October 1st, in downtown Los Angeles, the eighth-annual Taste of Italy, an evening of authentic Italian food and wine will benefit the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA). Taste of Italy showcases over 35 of the region’s best restaurants, Italian and California-Italian wineries, as well as live entertainment, chef demonstrations, and celebrity guests.

“Taste of Italy offers an authentic Italian experience in the heart of in downtown Los Angeles,” explains Marianna Gatto, historian and Executive Director of the IAMLA, “where guests can enjoy authentic Italian cuisine and exceptional Italian wines in a charming, historic setting. Taste of Italy offers a glimpse of the region’s extensive Italian history and contemporary Italian lifestyle while supporting the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles.”

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