by Natalie Durkin
Meet The Regrettes, a pack of young Angelenos exploring the true meaning of punk rock. As the band’s bassist rightfully declares, The Regrettes have “worked their butts off.” Listen up!
by Natalie Durkin
Honeycomb is the type of track you melt into, kind of like golden hour in Los Angeles. It’s warm and melodiously sweet and provides a glowy aura to bask in.
by Natalie Durkin
Rhonda, with headress and flames: I made this piece a while ago, over the course of…a year, I think? I had taken a figure drawing workshop in which I completed the original sketch of the model pictured.
by Natalie Durkin
Adam Mars talks about his family’s Italian Roots: an interview by Sounds and the City columnist Natalie Durkin…
by Natalie Durkin
My favorite place in LA is probably Dodger Stadium. I would take visitors to see my brother’s band, DMTina and the Bumps, or to a Dodgers game, though a punk rock drag show and a three-hour baseball game are acquired tastes.